the 98%

Some years ago, I used my Canadian citizenship to come to Vancouver and explore the opportunities in “Hollywood North." Amidst the classic actor hustle, working late nights at a restaurant and waiting anxiously for my agent to email me, I found myself grappling with the mental fallout of the realities of the #actorslife, and despite knowing I wasn’t the only one feeling this way - it felt like I was. Surrounded by well-meaning but unrealistic portrayals of success, I felt a more honest dialogue about the actor experience was missing.

That's when I reached out to fellow actor, Katie Elin-Salt, with an idea: a podcast that shed an honest and relatable light on the real aspects of being an actor. Once I got back to London, we launched Series 1 and 6 years and 100+ episodes later, The 98% has been downloaded, collectively, almost half a million times. We were excited to be invited to join 604 Podcast Network, in 2020.

As a first-of-its-kind platform, I've had the privilege of connecting with countless actors seeking support and guidance over the years. Drawing from my own journey and insights from a whole host of brilliant industry guests including multiple casting directors, teachers, producers, writers, and more, I've offered advice and camaraderie to many actors navigating the ups and downs of the industry, who encouraged me to start offering services like the ones listed here today.

Now, after years of these conversations, I'm here to offer my expertise and support to you!

The 98% explores what life is really like for the majority of actors and performers who, rather than trying to find an outfit for the Oscar’s, are trying to find an outfit that makes them look as close to an 1850’s aristocrat as possible for an audition in 24 hours. It comes as a surprise to most that only 2% of actors earn their main source of income from acting work. This podcast represents, and gives a voice to, the other 98%.

What started as a comedy podcast, with co-hosts Alexa and Katie laughing and lamenting about the REAL #actorslife, has morphed into a relatable and supportive space through the lens of honesty and realism. By lifting the curtain on things that need changing in the industry, exposing hidden truths, and chatting to brilliant industry professional guests, The 98% is a podcast and platform that works to humanise those in the industry and redefine what success means in a business that, before, only shined a spotlight on the small minority.

There are over 100 episodes for you to listen to of the podcast, for free!
Below are a couple recent episodes you might find interesting…

Or listen on Spotify
Series 5 Episode 32
Bodhi Scandal, unveiled by The 98%

Or listen on Spotify
Series 5 Episode 29
”Your world is subjective, and you can’t change that”

You can find The 98% wherever you get podcasts. There are quick links on the website, or click below for Spotify/Apple links

Below is a classic episode of The 98% where Katie and I discuss goings on in the industry. Come join us on this journey by listening to The 98% from the start, wherever you get podcasts!

Alexa and Katie provide a heart-warming, hilarious and much needed reality check for anyone trying to make it in the creative arts. The 98% is for everyone fighting the good fight and trying to make their way in the world by pursuing that elusive dream. The show takes all your insecurities and worries about whether you should be doing what you’re doing, and celebrates them as the badges of honour they really are while welcoming you to this all-inclusive gang where everyone, well 98% of us, really are welcome. Brilliant stuff.
— Matt Holt, Award Winning Director