
  • acting coaching

    £35 per hour / £50 for 90 mins

    With 10+ years of working in TV and film since graduating drama school, 150+ self tapes under my belt, screen acting training, and insider knowledge from hosting industry pros on the podcast, I have been really enjoying putting my experience and insight towards helping other actors in the 98%. Having lived and worked in both London and North America, I have a unique insight into different industries and what is expected from actors from those on the other side of the table.

  • career consultancy

    £25 for an hours session

    There are a plethora of coaches and consultants out there that will sell you the idea of the recipe they have for stardom and success. But I am not one of them! I believe that the constant pressure of striving for “success” (whatever that even means) can do more harm than good. If only 2% of actors earn their main source of income from acting work, realistically speaking you’re likely going to be spending a lot of time out of work. So how can we make that time just as fulfilling, exciting, enjoyable, and creatively inspiring as when you are in work? What steps can you take to be productive and open new doors? That’s why I’m here, to help figure that out. Scroll down on this page to find out more about what we can use these session for!

  • showreel editing


    Using the wealth of knowledge I have learned from hosting top industry professionals from all corners of the industry on The 98% podcast, I have been able to help actors get the most out of their showreel by putting together a reel they are proud of that best represents them.

    Scroll down to read more about how this service works!

    After Alexa put together my showreel I had 3 screen auditions come through in 10 days and I'm certain that mixing up my reel helped massively.”
    -Georgia Burnell

  • speaking engagements/teach opportunities

    It would be a privilege to speak/teach at your organisation. I take pride in bringing a relatable, realistic, supportive and insightful approach to discussing acting and the industry, to empower creatives with knowledge and confidence. Specialities include screen acting, audition technique, self taping, the realities of working in the profession, working in indie film, sides analysis and scene workshopping.

    Scroll down to the drop down section to find out more about my experience in this area!

    “Working with Alexa has been transformative for our students. The session she planned was incisive, informative, and extremely well delivered. I'm looking forward to welcoming Alexa back into the Conservatoire in future." 
    -Dermot Daly
    Senior Lecturer (and module lead)
    Leeds Conservatoire School of Drama

how would you like to ‘act with alexa’?

Act on your career, your want to learn, or…simply, just act!

  • These sessions can consist of anything and everything. Examples of previous sessions include:

    -General career advise and Q&A

    -Seeking advice about auditions, agents, writing emails to industry pros

    -Going through Spotlight page and making it the best it can be

    -A general rant/vent about the industry and the graft of #actorslife! Whatever you’re seeking advice on, I am honoured to share what I’ve learned in an approachable, informed way.

  • There are 3 options for this service!
    1- Self tape audition coaching
    2-Intro to self taping
    3- Self tape level up

    Audition coaching:
    Notes/thoughts given prior to session (if sides are sent in advance) to in aid rehearsal/prep
    -Workshopping of scene with focus on good skill, and also good self tape techqnique
    -Record Self Tape
    -Follow up thoughts/notes can be given upon request!

    Intro to self taping:
    For actors new to self taping who want to learn he basics of the technical and logistical aspects to make the most of when a self tape audition comes their way.

    Let’s work on all the basics to get you a self tape set up and routine that help facilitate a relaxed, confident, enjoyable audition.
    Sides can be provided if needed to have a scene to work on!

    Self tape level up:
    For actors who have the basics down and want to improve their screen acting technique and self taping approach.

    Let’s work on the intricacies of providing a nuanced, thought provoking and fun self tape.
    Sides can be provided if needed, to have a scene to work on!

  • We can work on a scene of your choosing, or one can be provided.
    While what we work on/cover will aid your auditions, these sessions are about the craft of acting for screen as opposed to audition technique/prep. Maybe you’d like to refine your screen acting skills, or learn the fundamentals that may differ from stage acting. Maybe you have a day on set coming up and want to find out what to expect, or practice the scene/s you’ll be doing. If you have something specific in mind, let me know - otherwise we’ll do a general scene study session!

  • All things audition. We’ll go over confidence boosting techniques, talk through and work on any anxieties/worries, workshop the scene and get it to a place where you feel excited to show off your talents, instead of nervous to prove yourself!

  • The service I’ve been offering the longest and first got me chatting to actors and sharing industry advice!
    I will:
    -Take a look at all the footage you have/may want to include

    -Share my thoughts regarding what parts of what scenes should be included and why (having a new outside perspective on your work can bring new life to a reel!)

    -Edit together a reel (3 mins max as industry standard) including a title card and outro, and make any tweaks you want to see

    -Provide the added option of putting together a shortened twitter version (perfect for pinning to your page, or taking part in #ShowreelShareDay)

    I aim for my turnaround for the service to be 24-48 hours.

  • Experience includes:

    Leeds Conservatoire School Of Drama; Lead a “Progression Into The Profession” seminar, 2 years running

    Actors Pro Expo; Hosted their online event, interviewed by them for a “Finding Happiness Outside Of Acting” feature

    Spotlight; “Self Tapes vs In The Room” webinar, member of the panel

    I Am Pro; “Working In Independent Film” two-part workshop

    Industry Minds; Member of the panel for International Women’s Day in association with Bumble speaking about actor mental health in the creative arts

* If finances are keeping you from pursuing a session with me, please don’t let that stop you from reaching out! I wouldn’t want that to be a barrier for someone looking for advice or support. Let’s work something out!