Ultimately, my vision is for a more equitable and enjoyable industry for all, where creatives can shine in their lives and careers, confident in themselves and their craft.

Here are some ideas, further to what is already here on this website, that I’d like to try, to help with that vision. But I need your help!

  • Ask Alexa’ advice column;
    Send me a query, question or experience you’d like me to comment/give advice on and I’ll post it here for everyone to read!

  • Mentorship;
    I am excited to be planning a free mentorship consisting of some coaching/consultancy sessions with a new grad. Contact me to put yourself forward!

  • Group sessions
    I am keen to organize some online group meet ups where we can discuss a certain topic each session.
    I’d also love to start a ‘women’s circle’ to make a supportive space for women in the industry to share experiences and thoughts.
    Get in touch or tweet me @alexamorden to express interest!